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asuschiu 43 男性
3  文章
我的肉體   2019-10-02

我是深深的岩洞 渴望你野性之光的照射 我是淺色的雲 鋪滿你僵硬的陸地 雙腿野藤一樣纏繞 乳房百合一樣透明 臉盤兒桂花般清香 頭髮的深色枝條悠然蕩漾 我的眼睛飽含露水 打濕了你的寂寞 大海的激情是有邊沿的 而我沒有邊沿 走遍世界 你再也找不到比我更純潔的肉體 我的肉體,給你的財富 ...

1 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
chenbela 27 女性
8  文章
在您寂寞孤獨的時候讓您有愉悅的感覺   2019-03-07

哈嘍我是小亞為什麼在這邊發呢 第一真誠希望可以找到聊得來的好朋友 好知己 還有一個就是 我有幾個好姐妹 身材外形都很不錯 因私人原因缺錢出來兼職 希望小亞可以幫忙找有需求的大哥 無論你是有需求還是要交友 都可以來找小亞喲 我的line是 3566h 歡迎你喲

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
RavenZH 36 男性
1  文章
誠如所言   2018-09-01

嘗試 能夠說出一切 窒礙難行 <br><br> 誠摯 能夠共度一夜 依舊無情 <br><br> 忘情 可有一種誠意 激情 可有一種疑慮 <br><br> 有口難言 有心難行 有手難移 有人難愉

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
dsxhjughfv 41 男性
4  文章
我上了老闆的小三 1   2017-04-26




0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
Timber22799 23 男性
1  文章
我想......   2016-10-30

我 願意滿足你色色的要求, 想 和你一起享受, 與 你相擁入眠, 你 不需要害羞, 愛,就來做, 愛,就一起享受

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 0 票
改變~~~改變~~~   2016-09-13



就這樣努力傻傻工作了31年!!! 一個不注意就31歲了~~不想再這樣下去了~~人生短短幾十年從現在開始我要嘗試以前沒玩過的~讓我的人生可以精彩一點

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,4.41 分數
p9303806 28 男性
3  文章
給妳的歌   2016-09-11

讓我 天涯海角都要和你走下去 不論風雨任何阻擋去愛你 酸甜苦辣喜怒哀樂我陪你 我們的唯一 我要~~ 天涯海角整個世界只有你 不論風雨伸出爽手牽~~著~~你 兩人之間乎相思念心碰心 (酸甜苦辣喜怒哀樂我陪你) 楓葉和花妤~~ 只要你~~~開心

獻給我的青梅竹 安妤

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
lie155876 26 男性
3  文章
濕透了秋色   2016-08-29








0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
你對性道德規範怎麼看?   2016-07-10



0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.94 分數
rm_mkuo60608tw 43 男性
3  文章
什麼叫做愛   2016-06-08


1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,4.41 分數
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
無知-----詩作   2016-01-20





0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
原形畢露   2016-01-19







0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
期待   2016-01-08

下一次相遇 下一次雲雨( 做愛 ) 下一次巫山( 快感 ) 下一次交流( 體液 ) 下一次纏綿

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,3.70 分數
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
內射   2016-01-07

老婆內射無仿增產報國 情人內射危機牽扯不清

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
宣導愛要有一套打油詩   2016-01-06


成也蟲 敗也蟲



回應 某位流覽我 部落格文章 喜歡詞不喜歡詩( 有學養行割禮 ) 的網友

可能不符合要求 但文指是抒發心境而已 不要吹毛求疵

原答應依序回應網友 內褲控 & 不給糖就搗蛋 & 任何女人都需要疼惜 ( ...

1 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.43 分數
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
奇哉   2016-01-06

見親今晚造訪 即時通現芳蹤 方寸有點亂 為敢手亂動

給心儀女子 落落大方 玉脂雙峰 紅色熱情 襯托 絕佳

1 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
鹹濕一首 博君一笑( 諷刺偽君子 )   2016-01-05

老爸封娼 開娼 法院認證 為有致中

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
心喜   2016-01-03

昨親造訪 吾心甚喜 無奈留文寄情 望親能體君心

回應 某位昨流覽我 部落格文章

妳的外型吸引我 苦於無寫部落格習慣


0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
打蚊詩   2016-01-03

夜半不得眠 處處蚊子擾 性來巴掌聲 樂見一點紅

回應 某位流覽我 部落格文章 喜歡詞不喜歡詩 的網友

可能不符合要求 但文指是抒發心境而已 不要吹毛求疵

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
chenmb851067 51 男性
30  文章
即興   2015-12-30

今生只為卿 望卿明我心 一起共奮鬥 同享甜果實

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_rcov222 36 男性
1  文章
煙雨未落淚先流   2015-11-16

曾為墨名拜師求,如今以墨孤獨走 穿過古道的小徑,來到來時的橋頭 牧童吹響起短笛,秋風拂起堤岸柳 泣血雲霞的景色,我緩緩走到渡口 依舊來時那船家,依舊來時那蘭舟 上了蘭舟身倚臥,山河延綿不盛收 下蘭舟眼尋身影,不見妳等在橋頭 這是何人的故事,滿滿哀怨的悲愁 ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_fkkkk00005 25 男性
5  文章
多麼深奧的領悟ㄚ   2015-04-09



3、记得有一次加班完后在回家的路上,一个乞丐老人伸手问我要钱,我没有理睬。 ...

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_joechang22 53 男性
13  文章
True Love Forever 1st Ver.   2015-01-11

During I was Fifteen years old, I love one girl, so wrote the song for her. but no chance to sing in front of her.

True love and to cherish 真愛到永遠

We met last night with dreams like the rain, 昨夜夢魂中與你相遇, sound of laughter is usual as same, 聲聲歡笑常如舊, we nestled in the flowers, 我倆相依偎在花叢中, dear to each other heart to heart. ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_joechang22 53 男性
13  文章
Man were born, but you are not yet!   2015-01-09

Man were born, You are not, You have been born, But I am younger. Jun unfortunately you born too late, You are sad I born too early for,

Man were born, You are not, You have been born, But I am younger. Pity not born at the same time, Day by day together with.

You have been born, but I am younger, I am old, but you are younger, You are far from the West, I am far from the East. ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
HugWithCaress 54 男性
1  文章
妄...   2014-12-18




0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
audis001 33 男性
3  文章
雪步   2014-11-28

輕輕的步伐壓過 在雪上留下輕輕的印痕 眼角滑落的輕輕的淚水 卻在心上留下深深的傷痕

疼嗎 不疼吧 痛嗎 不痛吧 興許是麻痺了吧

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
audis001 33 男性
3  文章
尋風   2014-11-28

眼角的淚滴滑落 不止 我深信 這只是被風吹糊了眼眸 而不是被勾動了 那根 那根失落的琴絃 笑靨

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 0 票
audis001 33 男性
3  文章
溫柔小丑   2014-11-28

帶上燦爛笑容的面具 拼命似的努力著 看不見你的笑容 眸中滑落一絲失落 即便...得到掌聲如雷 仍是空洞.... 帶著面具的丑 認真仍是輕浮 誰看 誰能看見 小丑眼中滑落的淚 誰懂 誰會懂得 小丑心中的撕心裂肺 只是為了呵護你的眩然一笑

誰也不曾看過我的軟弱 正如誰也不曾看過小丑的淚 ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,5.20 分數
rm_w5867854 27 男性
1  文章
錯過!   2014-07-07

我從不信以後。任何事情,無法堅持到最後。往往注定會失敗 別再為錯過了什麼而懊悔。 你錯過的人和事,別人才有機會遇見,別人錯過了,你才有機會擁有。人人都會錯過,人人都曾經錯過,真正屬於你的,永遠不會錯過

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
心靈   2014-06-15

似乎....記起來了 這樣的旋律 是那時候最模糊的思緒 也最痛苦

陣痛的起伏也許跟這首有相似點的頻率而被安撫 過去的依稀

織著那時一切 記憶的線 那時深晦的濁色織布

是不想回顧的過去 只是一再重演

也出現斷點 也許是個頓點

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
無悅   2014-06-15

我跨向了對妳的諾言 履行承諾的一半 卻不能述說著那份 完成的喜悅 能意識到嗎 妳卻停頓著 我也只能佇立 沒了妳 這名次只剩個數字 這樣的心情一樣是落後的情境 榮耀卻顯示不出任何意義 想為妳掛上我諾言的實踐 想見妳為我開心的模樣 和心裡想說的心情

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章

單弦步調 靜靜伴著烏鴉旋繞 心中寂墟古堡 一個人倚著磚牆步行長廊 燭光在狹長裡閃耀 鬱藍色調透著典雅玻璃窗 映在老舊地毯 那次際遇的殿堂 依稀殘存著過往氣息   沉重氛圍 牆上斑白歲痕 引領 消逝的石階 死寂的地牢 遺忘著昏黑的畫面 囚禁著背影 那扇唯一小窗口 ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
藍圖   2014-06-15

因為妳而再度想起,藏在角落的痕跡,在語言中找尋, 一張小小的感覺,一份多了妳的夢想藍圖, 小時後的簡易圖紙,還不知道另一邊是誰,還沒畫上諾言,標上永遠, 以前被隱藏的想像,由妳的手牽引, 望著某一天,藍圖的呈現, 會是有妳的完美,藍圖敘述的未來,依依履行.......

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
想起   2014-06-15

想起足跡,某個記憶,觸動,那處角落, 曾已荒涼寂靜,逐漸失序, 當初的悸動,伴隨著妳...遺留的餘光,依著崎嶇, 雅夜風息,重臨,甦醒著大地, 煥化靜靜的改變,一個夢想的寓語...

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
追逐方向   2014-06-15

落地窗闖入四處嘻笑,隙中透著光,布簾倚著風...晃動。  ─睜開─ 乘著單車,緩緩移動, ...

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.08 分數
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
越冬   2014-06-15

飛躍天空的思緒 翱翔在鉛灰的畫面 候鳥停留著 在這冷冽的氛圍 寄望層層烏雲 漸漸撥離 空想你在雲叢縫隙 風像呼吸 伴隨在我耳畔旁的餘音 呈現著孤灰的觸筆 渲染在空洞的純白 灰冬的午後 感受不了陽光一些 無法自己 寥落的候鳥 越過眼角停留的畫面 眺望著

靜止 掙扎越冬

2 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
夜染   2014-06-15

聳立著沉靜 逐依沉淪寂虛

留戀在畏懼 冷漠一旁的顫抖

  空虛的角落 沉澱著荒寂

停留在過錯的路口 背對盞亮光影 晃動的單影 瑣碎著畫面 殘忍著改變

襯托岔口前的痕跡 清晰聽夜裡的步伐 腳步凌亂了安靜 悸動 向無垠的夜裡蔓延

止 卸下眼裡的模糊 ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_iwantwahter 27 男性
10  文章
洞悉   2014-06-15

倚著糙曠的牆面 摸索沒有方向的洞口

徘徊在單影的孤城 行駛音韻呼嘯逝去

牽引思緒往前尋覓 沿著軌跡

  縱使沒有目的 回顧足跡 黯淡模糊那過往

墬滴 波紋有些齒缺 搖曳的身影

在隧道 曾出現 讓停留曾移動

  似乎讓出口的光 不是空白 不再是框  ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
xavk1 35 男性
4  文章
隨便亂寫的淫詩   2014-02-16

膜破衫何在,承春操入深 幹時花濺淚,恨別鳥精新 封喉連三月,佳舒抵萬金 白頭蕭變短,還欲不勝戰

隨手改的淫詩,各位給點建議吧。 如果有要約的妹子歡迎加入我帳號哦。

1 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.55 分數
antaur 46 男性
13  文章
春光明媚無限好!!!   2014-01-23

感謝大家無私的分享,這些話題都很有意思 , so nice and beautiful.

再次感謝,加油,勞力!!!thanks a lot!

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
rm_Isaac855234 28 男性
8  文章
四季   2013-09-12

春 吹拂著相戀的氣息 夏 演奏著相遊的旋律 秋 潛伏著相伴的意象 冬 刻畫著相擁的背景

夏天 是順應春天而生 茁壯的活力顯現了春風的滋潤 秋天 是順應夏天而生 隨落的楓葉對應出知了的驟息 冬天 是順應秋天而生 飄蕩的晶形欲豐富枯樹的孤獨 春天 是順應冬天而生 ...

1 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.14 分數
rm_Isaac855234 28 男性
8  文章
四季   2013-09-12

春 吹拂著相戀的氣息 夏 演奏著相遊的旋律 秋 潛伏著相伴的意象 冬 刻畫著相擁的背景

夏天 是順應春天而生 茁壯的活力顯現了春風的滋潤 秋天 是順應夏天而生 隨落的楓葉對應出知了的驟息 冬天 是順應秋天而生 飄蕩的晶形欲豐富枯樹的孤獨 春天 是順應冬天而生 ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
rm_Isaac855234 28 男性
8  文章
四季   2013-09-12

春 吹拂著相戀的氣息 夏 演奏著相遊的旋律 秋 潛伏著相伴的意象 冬 刻畫著相擁的背景

夏天 是順應春天而生 茁壯的活力顯現了春風的滋潤 秋天 是順應夏天而生 隨落的楓葉對應出知了的驟息 冬天 是順應秋天而生 飄蕩的晶形欲豐富枯樹的孤獨 春天 是順應冬天而生 ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
frankx518 29 男性
1  文章
命運   2013-09-05

輕輕的走過 走過那幽暗的森林 我的心在何處 是否再那深藍的回憶裡 歌頌那偉大的艾爾藍之劍 我的心在哪何處 偉大的艾爾之劍 是否是我的心再你那? 輕輕的走過 走過那深藍得回憶裡 輕輕的離去 離去那被歌頌的土地 離去那幽暗的森林裡 ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ 當永夜的王者舉起那幽黑的斗篷 ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.96 分數
tenkawa 34 男性
10  文章
啥是AVA   2013-03-06


0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
lok133 23 男性
1  文章
你不必太完美   2012-10-15



0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.47 分數
rm_Chen_Paul 22 男性
17  文章
惱人..   2012-05-26


0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.96 分數
rm_Albin4304 31 男性
2  文章
原迹   2012-02-04


原迹 ­ ­ ­空城飘 ­ ­ ­我,用劣质的手机 ­将那份酝酿良久的期寄 ­借着明媚的飞行 ­带去了南滇 ­ ...

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_sky570404 25 男性
17  文章

我是一個需求很大的人!!!! 有時候幾乎每天都會自己來 雖然有女朋友但是她無法滿足我的需求 因此我們吵了好多次的架,希望在這裡可以找到能滿足我大大需求的姐姐。 弟弟我最喜歡 女生幫我用嘴幫 那種感覺很棒!!!

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
tanzx 41 男性
4  文章
感叹   2011-05-25

宁托尘缘随水去 莫作多情催愁来

有花无月恨茫茫 有月无花恨转长

0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.16 分數
兔年   2011-03-07

辛卯兔儿迎新春, 兴旺天下显乾坤, 和顺满门添百福; 各家和乐享天伦。

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
chacha9558 41 男性
1  文章
肉慾   2010-11-09








3 評論, 130 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
rm_vvking 36 男性
1  文章
sexs   2010-09-20

性福 性复 性服...

1 評論, 36 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.25 分數
rm_iventw 45 男性
5  文章
沙羅雙樹   2010-02-03




0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_sky520278 31 男性
1  文章
摳屄手   2009-10-20





0 評論, 44 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_abkd9999 39 男性
1  文章
北城微風吹   2009-10-18

這城市今晚 還是一樣的孤寂 也許是心情的影響吧 唉  出門走走吧~

0 評論, 21 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_bcbbc9 26 男性
2  文章



0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_bcbbc9 26 男性
2  文章
冷冽風霜的黑夜   2009-10-02

聽著雨,滴滴答答,落在窗台上。 閉著眼,用力體會,奔跑的時間。


張開眼,在我眼前,低調的黑夜。 踢開被,刺入肌膚,冷冽的風霜。

突然,一瞬間。 出現,在房間。


0 評論, 26 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.92 分數
rm_surgery6917 34 男性
1  文章
寂寞的開刀房   2009-07-15

讓我為你視診 聽診 扣診 然後觸診 診斷你內心深處的憂傷 如同我心底的寂寞一般 用最溫柔的麻醉技術 讓妳深深的沉睡一番 卸下你的外衣及心房 用我纖細敏感 受過專業訓練的巧手 將你內心的憂傷寂寞移除 再用最溫柔的深吻 輕輕喚醒妳 妳就痊癒了 我也因此得到救贖

1 評論, 44 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.47 分數
老了   2009-05-09

年歲增長心愈慌, 時光飛逝髮漸蒼。 看盡喜怒哀樂事, 世間冷暖肚裡藏。

0 評論, 30 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
rm_cena777666 32 男性
7  文章
詩句   2009-04-14

離地三尺一條溪 一年四季溪水流 發覺野邊全野草 不見水牛來吃草 只見和尚來洗頭 (翻台語)

0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 0 票
hoya988 51 男性
1  文章
차�T   2009-04-09









1 評論, 18 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.63 分數
namcoland 51 男性
33  文章
《 說好的外約呢 》勉強算詩作吧-不然也不知歸何類   2009-03-16

《 說好的外約呢 》 詞:不是方文山 曲:還是周杰倫

視訊畫面顫動著 在這個時刻 我想起桌上的衛生紙 已經沒有了

你在視訊那一頭 不斷搖動著 而我的手也一直繼續 不斷套弄著

時間過了 去了 感覺面臨選擇 你厭了 倦了 我苦了

一開始你很快樂 用手往內摳著 ...

2 評論, 25 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.94 分數
HouKeith 39 男性
7  文章
春‧午後   2009-03-03

春天的午後,慵懶的躺在木頭地板上,耳畔聽著Rod Stewart略帶沙啞的歌聲,一翻身,瞥見前日的酒瓶,還剩一點兒點兒,少的可憐的一點兒點兒。 ...

0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_ilove2133 32 男性
15  文章
楓葉   2009-02-26

楓葉是如此美麗如此柔和 但在我心中 他卻是帶著無形的感傷 人世間只見他的盛開 卻不知他的凋落 美麗過後就是枯萎的開始 你跟我的距離好比已掉落的枯葉與那大樹一樣 遙不可及 而美麗卻將再等過一個冬 他將才會再次盛開 曾經我是著將你抓住 但你還是無情的掉落 無情的離開 ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_ilove2133 32 男性
15  文章
熟悉的你˙陌生的分離   2009-02-26

在我的愛情路上˙妳讓我遇到了如此熟悉的妳˙ 不知是否因為愛讓我熟悉˙因為愛讓我想去疼惜妳˙ 一路妳陪著我走過來˙所有的辛苦和悲痛˙ 都有你在我的身邊而感到無謂˙ 這痛苦一切或許都從愛你的開始才變的如此的不重要˙ 愛你我不曾後悔過也不曾抱怨過˙ 在我的內心深處中˙ 只要有你的存在˙ ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 0 票
´M.................   2009-02-24

尋幽探勝, 尋視起來 尋花問柳, 尋章摘句 尋根問底, 尋常百姓 尋尋覓覓, 尋歡作樂 尋開心, 尋根熱, 尋求出來...

0 評論, 26 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.94 分數
本來...何解...如今....   2009-02-24

本事喜相逄 來者善分明 何事心不歸 解甲歸田也 如情總未了 今謜待君來...

0 評論, 25 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
rm_ilove2133 32 男性
15  文章
如果   2009-02-23

如果在一起 你不能給我幸福



如果愛我 你不能給我永遠





最後 如果你還是愛我 請你跟我說


0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_ilove2133 32 男性
15  文章
末日   2009-02-23

天漸黑˙能不能˙請你忘了我是誰˙ 不怕夜˙不怕黑˙只願獨自的漂泊與流浪˙ 擔心你為我再留那麼一滴淚\˙ 曾經將世界與美麗都給你˙ 只求你環我那麼的一秒˙ 天已黑˙我已累˙球你忘了我們的從前˙ 妳怕孤獨˙你怕黑˙我想問你我是誰˙ 怕你望不了曾經我是你的誰˙ ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rm_ilove2133 32 男性
15  文章
如果還有明天   2009-02-23

如果還有明天 是否能夠親吻你的臉 如果還有明天 是否能夠向我說再見 假如你不曾看見我內心的那片天 那你將毀滅我的每一個明天 是否妳願陪我渡過這樣的一個夜 如果沒有明天 是否能看偷偷的望著你一眼 如果沒有明天 是否別再對我說再見 我害怕還有明天 因為在也看不見你的那張臉 ...

2 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
Short-time separation of one day meet again   2009-01-14

Only you stand in front. Always miss you. Every minute of every Miao do not change for you. From all of you timely. Thank you all sorts of things. Again is to help you. See you go into the details only....

0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.96 分數
Happy birthday.   2009-01-13

Life the afterlife Forever in Love. The sun, The moon.Stars.Morning. Adjoint Forever. Happy , happy, eternal often. Happy moments of Forever will not forget....

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
依然懷念你 Still miss you.   2009-01-12

即使你唔在見我; 但我依然想着你. 即使你唔在愛我; 但我依然等着你. 即使你永遠離開; 但我依然懷念你.

Even if you do not see me in; But I still think of you.

Even if you do not love me; But I am still waiting for you.

Even if you never left; But I still miss you.

4 評論, 150 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.80 分數
只因你心裹話   2009-01-12

其實隅見他心中快樂. In fact, the hearts of happy to see him corner. 越想他心中再現. The more we wished to reproduce in his mind.[/SIZE] 只想你心裹說話. Just want to wrap your mind to speak.[/SIZ...

0 評論, 17 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
一生不變此日何待   2009-01-11









0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
站時分離種再見   2009-01-11








0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
從新開始   2009-01-11





0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
難忘的生日   2009-01-11






0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
厨美弘达   2009-01-11





5 評論, 153 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.93 分數
生日快樂   2009-01-11





0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
讀妳   2008-12-18

讀妳 是靈性的精裝本 不再塵封舊皮 以感性的昇華躍出生命的情感

讀妳 是林道盡頭的鐘聲 那熟悉的歆韻 喚起一種密藏幽隱的思慕之情

讀妳 是秋陽雨後的彩虹 炫起亮麗的光譜 灑滿了一顆羞澀等待愛情的心

0 評論, 23 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.47 分數
rm_z588588588 39 男性
1  文章
生活與生存   2008-09-23

生活是為了生存, 但未必有辦法生存; 生存是為了生活, 但未必能享受生活;

為了生存享受生活, 是真正生命的意義!

如此這般的生存,跟這樣的生活, 就建立在AdultFriendFinder!

0 評論, 18 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,0.34 分數
HouKeith 39 男性
7  文章
凌 霄   2008-06-26

未 知 故 園 有 雲 霧

但 居 雲 端 衝 凌 霄

身 寄 高 處 雖 得 冷

願 臨 南 門 風 外 風

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 0 票
HouKeith 39 男性
7  文章
5¡G55   2008-06-24

5:55 開始下雨 5:55 開始想妳

想與妳共步雨中 想擁妳微顫香肩

想盈握妳冰冷雙手 想緊摟妳嬌弱身軀

想看雨水從妳髮稍滑落 想看雨絲濡妳秀麗容顏

想妳 想妳

5:55 開始下雨 5:55 開始想妳

1 評論, 25 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
rm_cyc0913 48 男性
0  文章
性愛網站上寫詩?   2008-06-23

看到這欄實在想笑..可以做愛編成詩嗎?.哈哈.. 那我貼上一首詩跟大家分享, 雖然跟做愛沒關係. 但我相信不少這網站的朋友, 跟我年輕時一樣, 有著風流的味道

不是樽前愛惜身,佯狂難免假成真。 曾因酒醉鞭名,生怕情多累美人。

1 評論, 61 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.94 分數
HouKeith 39 男性
7  文章
妳呀妳   2008-06-20

對你的感覺並不特殊 對你的言詞稀鬆平常

在 識妳之初 日昇月落 潮漲汐退 眸中有妳 妳居我曾漂泊的地 妳走我曾走過的路 我像風箏纏繞在妳的枝頭 妳可願像那紙船擱淺在我的心池 驀然思起 思妳明眸大眼 驀然思起 思妳懸鼻櫻口 驀然思起 思妳調皮嬌俏 驀然思起 思妳嘟嘴嬌嗔 ...

0 評論, 22 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
HouKeith 39 男性
7  文章
海 邊   2008-06-18


讓妳傾聽著我的心跳﹗ 讓妳感受著我的溫暖﹗

妳會不會因心中的悸動而微顫呢? ...

0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 0 票
09291963 58 男性
10  文章
妳我   2008-05-25



妳的想念中有我的想念 我的想念中有妳的想念



妳的等待中有我的等待 我的等待中有妳的等待

0 評論, 30 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.25 分數
HouKeith 39 男性
7  文章
兩顆珍珠   2008-05-24

妳說 妳說 妳說妳在埔和的海灘 妳說妳在埔和的海灘漫步著 妳說妳用埔和海灘的沙堆砌著城堡

風馳電掣的西濱道路 急促奔跑的堤防步道

我來了 我來了 我來到了埔和的海灘

我看到 我看到 我只看到一顆粉紅色的珍珠 我只看到一顆粉紅色的珍珠躺在沙堡的露臺上 ...

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
bird5978 39 男性
38  文章
你手上的線。繫著的。不是我...   2008-05-03

一直以為, 你是喜歡我的, 還傻傻地以為我們不會分離。

一直相信, 你不會變心的, 還傻傻地相信你說的山盟海誓。

到了現在, 我會問, 你真的愛我嗎?

明明知道你講的都是假的。 但我願意一直被騙。

我愛你。 這三個字不過是普通的字。 ...

1 評論, 37 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.63 分數
rm_a0b0c1 41 男性
5  文章
©]   2008-04-25

黑暗侵入大地 是夜 空中花園繁星點點 清風透窗吹拂揭開一夜寂寥 路傳來車子的呼嘯聲更顯房內冷清 與明月相伴還有繁星作陪 配上一杯酒 獨自想用這良辰美景 餟一口酒品嘗這夜的孤寂 嚥下去滿滿都是滋味 夜最有情

0 評論, 24 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.73 分數
孤獨   2008-02-13

寧靜的夜 等待與期盼 鏡中的妳 盼不到妳的身影 等不到妳的回應

月夜的空 星辰與冷風 鏡外的我 獨自望著繁星 孤獨受著冷風

1 評論, 35 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
IamNotyet 43 男性
9  文章
¡u¡@¡@¡v   2008-02-02

我發現我很喜歡將鏡頭朝向天空, 像是要抓住雲的每一種形狀。 這其實是很徒然的一個意圖跟舉動, 說到底我又抓得住什麼呢?

就像小時候將兩手圈成框框, 對著天上的飛機做一千次這樣的動作, 說是可以實現願望。

我不記得做到第幾次了, 也不記得有什麼願望因而實現。


0 評論, 20 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.73 分數
rm_cocoplaysam 42 男性
1  文章
如何讓你遇見我   2007-12-16

如何讓你遇見我 在我最美麗的時刻  為這 我已在佛前  求了五百年 求祂讓我們結一段塵緣 佛於是把我化作一棵樹 長在你必經的路旁 在陽光下慎重地開滿了花 朵朵都是我前世的盼望 當你走進  請你細聽 那顫抖的葉是我等待的熱情 而當你終於無視地走過 在你身後落了一地的 ...

0 評論, 78 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.08 分數
bird5978 39 男性
38  文章
橫刀奪愛   2007-08-01





0 評論, 20 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
G000dbuddy 36 男性
23  文章
have a reason for being created,   2022-02-11

Realizing that everything that happens is not always our fault, Knowing that no matter what we have a place on this earth, If we didn’t why would god have made us from his hearth? Apparently we have a reason for being created, But right now we’ll just have to wait and try to not feel jaded, None of us can tell the future and find out what’s to be

1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,5.00 分數
kimlin2021 60 跨性別
1  文章
A poem of love and passion, by Kim   2021-10-14

The Craving <br><br> It was never my intention to indulge my predilection Or determine through election Who or whom loved who the best It was subtlety I diminished from thy presence every scrimmage That denied from start to finish any trace of tenderness <br><br> Sadly did I borrow from those greatly versed in sorrow Daring hope upon the morrow It would not be so again To ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Elliotts69 44 伴侶(男人和女人)
2  文章
Its him   2021-07-25

{=} Looking into his eyes I do realize That he is mine ...All the Time He is my love..my dream come true ...with him I am complete...knowbody >>!can separate us or compete..With his Body entering mine I know its about that time We intertwine ... Spiraling into a Hotness that makes my mouth water.... Dripping wet we slide... Collide into this Never ending Control I don't ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 0 票
sextoybabe77 45 女性
6  文章
loss and fulfillment   2021-04-02

** most of my poetry is on my blog** eyes the colour of whiskey gazed at me from my reflection hardened by what they saw the Collar of another removed in what may seem to be a callous way but whose to say the whys and hows of what was wrong I was made to watch as an incentive to keep me on my path of being a good girl His arms wrapped around me keeping me safe and allowing me ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Jasongil69 37 男性
7  文章
A poem of addiction   2021-03-27


0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
rdhair44 65 男性
98  文章
In and out   2021-02-28

Leaving was never a thought to ask, the month ahead to mask.My heart and mind was a broadcast.A feel to have a bait and cast.To live a catch from the past.A tackle with a spot of task.

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
delanoche023 42 女性
1  文章
she WALKS LIKES AN EGYPTIAN... (from savage scribe to smutty scroll)   2021-02-25

she will anoint thy head with primal flame rising from the left / to shine from his right red crown cobra— be ready for her strike <br><br> ‘tis the power she to her pharaoh: the sight to sense all which hides in moonlight. <br><br> up from the desert of perilous edge the primal snake shines scarlet desires from precipice pours: feeds / flows / inspires ...

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
bisexxpoet 53 男性
2  文章
random not random   2021-01-26

for some this life is a road to perdition for others it's a blissful walk through lily fields randomness is our universe why should anything matter we cannot cure what we can't see i do not know how you feel about me i will never understand why some take this life as a reprimand and others just don't give a damn about your and my humanity

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Caniseeu34 31 男性
1  文章
The way she moves   2021-01-25

Swift with pink lips she moves so right From her head to her toe nails She is beauty done just right The sway of her hips With a pussy so so tight As she takes every inch of my dick in sight As she bobb's up and down Gently on my cock I soon forget everything I already fogot

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
Timbuctoo   2020-11-28

In the town of Timbuctoo there was a contest each year to see who could tell the best poem, using the name of the town in the poem. Each year the town's drunk would win the contest. This didn't sit well with a college professor that lived there, and he thought that being an educated man that surely he could prepare a better poem than the town drunk. When the day came the professor went to ...

1 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Greyrazor 56 男性
1  文章
What A Knight Will Do   2020-11-23

Me Lady, Me Lady, I will walk with Thee, for my Love is Fair and True. I will hold your hand and Honor You, for that is what a Knight will do. <br><br> written by me.

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
iawriter64 58 男性
13  文章
Now the drought is over   2020-09-11

A cool rainy breeze drifts through the windowsill Pampering her tired body as she sighs Refreshing after a humid day Raindrops tease the roof Not a heavy downpour Just enough wet fertile ground <br><br> The rain kindles her thirst for love She feels desire as the wind picks up Dry and brittle for so long Now the drought is over Her body moist, cool and alive Nipples erect though a ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 0 票
bisexxpoet 53 男性
2  文章
i'm a blip   2020-08-31

sorry i've been bereft of daily posts my thinking isn't up to par it's not the most positive been at the opposite side of deposited feelings and state of me trying to silence a silence of people i love i was never the dove or the courier pigeon i was and still am a raven that can feed off your hand as long as i didn't have to be at another's command so I'm silently, lip ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
PassionDeprived1 43 男性
1  文章
"I Would"   2020-06-10

What if you revealed to me your deepest darkest inner feelings "I would keep them" Focused on every detail of your confessions. "I would promise to be" Attentively listening so I may understand fully. "I would be" Empathy increasing steadily with each emotionally filled word. " I would feel" Finding my own familiarity within your confession."I ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Daplumm534 40 男性
1  文章
Sea Poppies   2020-05-16

Sea Poppies <br><br> Amber husk fluted with gold, fruit on the sand marked with a rich grain, <br><br> treasure spilled near the shrub-pines to bleach on the boulders: <br><br> your stalk has caught root among wet pebbles and drift flung by the sea and grated shells and split conch-shells. <br><br> Beautiful, wide-spread, fire upon leaf, what meadow ...

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
RLRlick 63 男性
21  文章
head   2020-04-16

Hello Fred what are you doing , i, m looking for head, would you give me head in the flowerbed, No No not there, not in the flowerbed, I do not want to give you head there Fred. would you give me head on a twin bed, No No not there Fred not on a twin bed. I do not want to do it on a twin bed I do not want to do it in a flowerbed , I do not want to give you head there Fred. would you give me ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Roses   2020-03-14

Roses are red Sometimes are white But never in blue Don't know, am I right?

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Don_Harlo 47 男性
6  文章
Succumb!   2020-03-03

If I showed you my power Would you sucuumb! Suck my dick for hours Until your sweet lips become numb! Until that beautiful clit Sticks out like a thumb! Until my dick like a Giant candlestick! Succumb!-

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Don_Harlo 47 男性
6  文章
Delighted by words   2020-02-27

She had such a gorgeous beautiful body But she wasn't that horny A personality to match She just wanted to be touched How was of great importance Soft! Sweet! Kind words I begin to whisper Her eyes gleamed her face glowed And her body was lit like a house in December I can feel her tremble more like a quiver She was more receptive with the words delivered Opening up! I got a feeling tonight ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 1 票
Don_Harlo 47 男性
6  文章
My Dream   2020-02-22

Early in the morning Hard nipples soft tits Press into my back Legs around my waist Her soft warm moistened mound Quivers! Pulsates! Thumps! Good morning! Wake up!

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Roses are red   2020-02-01

Violets are blue Welcome to more I hope you get some too!

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Mrcapa7 39 男性
3  文章
Heart in hand   2020-01-29

Here I sit heart in hand. Tried to fart with balls in a can. Almost felt like fucking sand.

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,1.84 分數
Funchat805 33 男性
6  文章
Here I am   2020-01-19

Posting for I’d rather eat ham And smoke lots of joints

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.94 分數
Funchat805 33 男性
6  文章
Here I am   2020-01-19

Posting for I’d rather eat ham And smoke lots of joints

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,1.19 分數
tallcool2013 49 男性
21  文章
suckin   2020-01-15

rose are red violets blue.if u suck on me ill suck on u

2 評論, 28 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,2.44 分數
Analexxxis 33 跨性別
2  文章
Passion   2020-01-14

I breathe in ash and spit out the coals, From the flame that incinerates my soul, I sometimes wake and feel your presence, But your loss reminds me still, If hollowed hearts still beat the same, Then burn with unquenchable desire, The love I had and the love I lost, Will feed by catharsis to the fire.

1 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,1.29 分數
Wayneb518518 42 男性
5  文章
Poem   2020-01-13

A beautiful poem called

0 評論, 18 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,1.16 分數
luv_269u 56 男性
5  文章
Need to make a poem   2020-01-13

about points

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
Smeop   2020-01-09

You know me You see me You hear me You cannot feel me What am I

0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,0.65 分數
ORGASM78giver714 45 男性
1  文章
AUCE   2020-01-07

I have this consistent addiction, an itch that won't quit itching. At times an affliction, flooding and dripping her body is twitching. Where my mind cannot find the line to stay on track. Because too much time has passed since the last phat perfect puffy peach pussy was at the mercy of my mouth and wanting to experience it's wrath. And believe it, the attack is quite vicious. The urges ...

0 評論, 15 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,2.81 分數
Mitchums1601 56 男性
10  文章
Mine   2020-01-05

She belongs Naked an kneeling Her desire showing in her eyes As she begs for touch I lift her chin So that she can see The craving i have for her She willingly gives herself to In all I wish do She calls Sir and Master I cannot believe fortune For finding this So perfect for I will cherish her And her submission collar proudly worn Around her lovely neck I will glory in her For she ...

0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,1.67 分數
pussyeater10988 45 男性
3  文章
Having a hard on.   2019-12-27

Violets are blue Roses are thorny I would love get laid because I am fucking horny.

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
luv2eaturpusy69 56 男性
5  文章
Im no poet   2019-12-23

But I need points don't you know it

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
casualguy209 47 男性
8  文章
points   2019-12-22


0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
casualguy209 47 男性
8  文章
points   2019-12-22


0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
fun4younow27 36 男性
1  文章
This is a poem   2019-12-18

There's not much to it The end

0 評論, 25 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,1.08 分數
quemarlavida 30 男性
6  文章
Martin fierro   2019-12-14

Aquí me pongo a cantar al compás de la vigüela, que el hombre que lo desvela una pena estraordinaria, como la ave solitaria 5 con el cantar se consuela. <br><br> Pido a los Santos del Cielo que ayuden mi pensamiento, les pido en este momento que voy a cantar mi historia 10 me refresquen la memoria, y aclaren mi entendimiento. ...

0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,1.48 分數
69kittylicr 56 男性
6  文章
Words of Wisdom   2019-12-13

It's easy to grin When your ship comes in And you've got the stock market beat. But the man worthwhile, Is the man who can smile, When his shorts are too tight in the seat.

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.96 分數
points points points points points points points points points points points points.   2019-12-10

points points points points points points points points points points points points.

1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.47 分數
trithis66 47 男性
7  文章
seconds   2019-12-09

can play the solo like you can name a few too drive as fast as you do and avoid cop cars too put the a in the test and ace the rest why settle for me if it aint meant to be our timing aint right but i still will fight

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,1.59 分數
Dickyou33 38 男性
2  文章
Poems   2019-12-07

The time that I wasted is my biggest regret spending these places I will never forget just sitting here thinking about things I’ve done the crane the laughing the hurt and the phone now it’s just me and my heart and you’re behind her wallet emptiness I love to be built trapped in my body just wanted to run back to my youth with us laughter and fun with the Chase is over there no place to ...

1 評論, 20 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,2.85 分數
Dickyou33 38 男性
2  文章
Poems   2019-12-07

The time that I wasted is my biggest regret spending these places I will never forget just sitting here thinking about things I’ve done the crane the laughing the hurt and the phone now it’s just me and my heart and you’re behind her wallet emptiness I love to be built trapped in my body just wanted to run back to my youth with us laughter and fun with the Chase is over there no place to ...

0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,2.09 分數
trithis66 47 男性
7  文章
pointz   2019-12-02

i want a point she wants a point he wants a point everyone wants a point just a point so i can with that

0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,1.97 分數
oralfun2dayforus 55 男性
3  文章
not a poem   2019-11-27

is it better to of love and lost then too never loved at all.

2 評論, 23 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,3.57 分數
Mitchums1601 56 男性
10  文章
The dance   2019-11-23

As we dance The music plays in harmony With our hearts And i hold her I sing life's song to her soul Looking deep in her eyes And i hold her She trembles in my arms And her lip quivers And i hold her The music fades I lower my mouth to hers She whispers her love to me And for eternity I still hold her

2 評論, 30 瀏覽次數, 22 票 ,4.57 分數
6Goodat8nu9 56 男性
5  文章
I cant write poetry   2019-11-21

to save my life.. I need points!!

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Teyjj 56 男性
24  文章
The Best You Can Get   2019-11-18

[bg width=100% bordercolor=light blue border= bgcolorgreen] [bg width=100% bordercolor=White border=10 bgcolor=light pink][Size3][font face=georgia] In early society it was not the norm To have men give up the rein, To have the women climb on top and gladly dish out the pain. <br><br> But today the roles may be reversed she sometimes call the shots, anticipating a ...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.51 分數
Older   2019-11-14

Is there anything sexier than a thick older woman?

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.09 分數
6Goodatbnbad7 52 男性
5  文章
Its all about   2019-11-11

The points and nothin but the points

2 評論, 18 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,2.18 分數
Bzzzip   2019-11-08

Beeeuwop skioyooo scheyoo

1 評論, 19 瀏覽次數, 16 票 ,1.95 分數
rm_sweet2b4 59 伴侶(男人和女人)
5  文章
Vacuums   2019-11-06

Guys have you ever used a vacuum cleaner to give yourself a blow job?

5 評論, 44 瀏覽次數, 24 票 ,1.65 分數
ttzz123 44 男性
9  文章
kinky   2019-11-05

dirty whore like it hard and big and they like to explore new dirty shit

1 評論, 22 瀏覽次數, 17 票 ,2.28 分數
sexynfun01 59 伴侶(男人和女人)
9  文章
Roses are red, violets are blue, I love points, And you do too...   2019-11-04

Roses are red, violets are blue, I love points, And you do too...

2 評論, 31 瀏覽次數, 22 票 ,4.81 分數
sexynfun01 59 伴侶(男人和女人)
9  文章
Roses are red, violets are blue, I love points, And you do too...   2019-11-04

Roses are red, violets are blue, I love points, And you do too...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.71 分數
sexynfun01 59 伴侶(男人和女人)
9  文章
Don't be a dic post a pic   2019-11-04

Is anyone else having problems with this points system? I am not getting any points for posts, votes or anything for that matter.

5 評論, 22 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,2.64 分數
just need points   2019-11-03

just need points

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.19 分數
Poms   2019-11-03

Smahsoqiajalajdywoaoajab duspala woshdh aldic wlalcu enalcp

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,1.19 分數
youngcub940 30 男性
6  文章
night train   2019-10-29

eddie john calm blue sky dim but glowing nice and calm

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,0.23 分數
JeffBiBigThick 44 男性
1  文章
Not over him   2019-10-26

He is the one 
I am falling for. The twists 
and turns. I am the opening 
I am the end 
I am not over him yet.

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.09 分數
Smthng818 34 男性
6  文章
Uhh uhhhhh   2019-10-24

To be or not to be. Well let’s fuck

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
ltfwb69 56 男性
4  文章
I so wish I was a poet   2019-10-23

Id be writing about how I need points

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
youngcub940 30 男性
6  文章
ppp   2019-10-22

zbo darrel tony walt in towns below we believe hope

0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,0.14 分數
rm_Jarhd2841 57 男性
3  文章
Wild Fire   2019-10-20

Feed the wildfires, thoughts of being with you. Happy, but it was all too good to be true. Wildfires were ignited from within. Setting sun, set the mood, lights dimmed. Hunted, felt tracked, always on the run. Found unbridled passion that came undone. Captured, anticipation, it was a torture to wait. Fed is the soul with burning desires. Excitement overbearing, can you elate? Sparks, smoldering ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
rm_Jarhd2841 57 男性
3  文章
Tumbleweeds   2019-10-20

Entangled, we are like tumbleweeds driven by the warm winds. <br><br> Together rolling across the desert floor, <br><br> Burning passion, like two candles lit at each ends. <br><br> Hands caressing free to explore, <br><br> Our kisses are like the hot winds and pick up out of control. <br><br> Here, there, many places lovers turn, and ...

0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
roko_1970 51 男性
9  文章
Points   2019-10-19

I need points More points for me Points to chat on the IM I need points

2 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.39 分數
Try this on for size   2019-10-17

Roses are red Violets are blue I hate this and so do you! #P0ints

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.28 分數
lurch4040 51 男性
9  文章
do we use   2019-10-16

Does anyone really use poetry to attract a mate anymore. Maybe it should make a rebound

1 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,1.62 分數
youngcub940 30 男性
6  文章
ditb   2019-10-13

larry f the back sunroof top zap wam kazoo 23 street skidoo satch

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,0.14 分數
Try this   2019-10-13

Roses are red violets are blue We're all whoring for points AdultFriendFinder looking you

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.47 分數
youngcub940 30 男性
6  文章
MLR   2019-10-12

Take a big sun breath over the haunted willow cool outside, warm inside in the fall night

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.14 分數
how much cum?   2019-10-10

cum alot cum alittle rebuild and deposit the luv potion

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票
youngcub940 30 男性
6  文章
King poetic   2019-10-09

every day and night without thought not addicted but a need tired but always raring to go too slow

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 4 票
wetcuntworshiper 48 男性
1  文章
Suck or stuff   2019-10-05

Should I put it in your mouth? Days have passed, but I'm still hard for you. Will you feel me when I'm gone?

0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,1.72 分數
how do you like this one? who wrote it?   2019-09-27

Describe fires in riverbottom sand, and the cooking; the cooking of hot dogs spitted in whittled sticks over flames of woodfire with grease dropping in smoke to brown and blacken the salty hotdogs, and the wine, and the work on the railroad. <br><br> $275, 000, 000, 000.00 in debt says the Government Two hundred and seventy five billion dollars in debt Like Unending Heaven And ...

2 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,1.56 分數
alwayslookin8454 50 男性
6  文章
Poems   2019-09-16

Halloween's a sudden BOOHOO!! And just as quick a scream: Laughing in the scary scary dark, Loving friendly fright. On Halloween, ghosts come true; Warewolves jump from dreams. Every spirit in the spark, Each zombie, T-Rex, bitch, or shark, Needs to feel all night!

1 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,2.61 分數
alwayslookin8454 50 男性
6  文章
Poems   2019-09-16

Halloween's a sudden BOOHOO!! And just as quick a scream: Laughing in the scary scary dark, Loving friendly fright. On Halloween, ghosts come true; Warewolves jump from dreams. Every spirit in the spark, Each zombie, T-Rex, bitch, or shark, Needs to feel all night!

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,1.72 分數
Roses are Red   2019-09-13

and points are Blue.. I need Roses and Points!

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.73 分數
l0v3xXxCpls 46 伴侶(男人和女人)
2  文章
Group   2019-09-10


0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
meanttochat 38 女性
5  文章
Looks on Cam   2019-09-10

Too fat, too thin What do you see My charisma , my grace Or rather my round belly My dark nipples Skin I forgot to moisterize and an awkward pose or two How do I Iook to you

3 評論, 27 瀏覽次數, 15 票 ,4.36 分數
meanttochat 38 女性
5  文章
Looks on Cam   2019-09-10

Too fat, too thin What do you see My charisma , my grace Or rather my round belly My dark nipples Skin I forgot to moisterize and an awkward pose or two How do I Iook to you

0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.59 分數
meanttochat 38 女性
5  文章
Looks on Cam   2019-09-10

Too fat, too thin What do you see My charisma , my grace Or rather my round belly My dark nipples Skin I forgot to moisterize and an awkward pose or two How do I Iook to you

1 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,3.39 分數
meanttochat 38 女性
5  文章
Changing   2019-09-10

I know life is transformation Ive embodied and pondered different thoughts sanity has brought the realization the keys are in hand I need not look right or left Im not competing Im simply being a better And a better until Im the best any given moment Never truly reaching perfection but continually reaching and striving Changing , morphing always

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.32 分數
meanttochat 38 女性
5  文章
Little Girl Dreams   2019-09-10

I remember the Iwas Versus the woman I am Hopeful , all believing Crazy optimistic Helpful sweet The woman I am is protective over The woman I am is cautious , watchful Looking the proof in the pudding Never the less I reminisce on the The little dreams and fairy tales, the hopeful All believing , crazy optimistic, helpful sweet who still lives in the shadow of a enlightened woman in a ...

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.78 分數
robert_954 29 男性
7  文章
safe sex   2019-09-08

Safe sex is great sex Better wear a latex 'Cause you don't want late Sayin' I think I'm late ..

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,1.19 分數
Poetry   2019-09-05

Roses are red, Violets are blue, I need you in me, and I can see you too too.

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.37 分數
kingstoncasavona 45 男性
5  文章
My lustful state   2019-09-01

In my lustful state I want to devour you I want to hunt you down like prey <br><br> I will pounce on you Like a wolf and eat your body whole <br><br> There is will be no part of you body left untouched <br><br> and you will be in ecstasy for every moment

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.86 分數
kingstoncasavona 45 男性
5  文章
In the night   2019-08-28

In the night I am an explorer I reach out to you to touch your naked body <br><br> I feel you curves and kiss your breast I worship at the alter of your body <br><br> Soon our bodies melt together and we are in ecstasy.

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,1.72 分數
kingstoncasavona 45 男性
5  文章
Points   2019-08-27

Points, points, I need them quick with hopes of finding someone will suck dick. <br><br> Points, points, I need them fast help find a women that will let me fuck her ass. <br><br> Points, points, I would like them soon so if can a women up will give her poon.

1 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.94 分數
DrMuffmaster69 64 男性
1  文章
Time to go!   2019-08-25

Here I sit in stinky vapor, completely out of toilet paper My break is up, I must not linger Watch out ass, here comes the finger!

1 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.28 分數
s2ndegree 64 男性
5  文章
A poem ? A limericks.   2019-08-24

I don't get perturbed when kicked to the curb. I do hear your vibe and I've learned to abide. Finding an old gal that'll date an old guy seems absurd! <br><br> Often accused of being a fake. Coming from someone who won't show their face. Only leaves me to wonder what it was that they crawled out from under. then they just disappear without a trace.

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,1.26 分數
kingstoncasavona 45 男性
5  文章
Divine Beauty   2019-08-23

Between her thighs Her beauty lies And that's what makes My pecker rise.

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.94 分數
TIMBUKTU   2019-08-18

In the town of Timbuktu there is a contest each year to see could tell the best poem, using the of the town, Timbuktu in the recital of the poem. At the event each year for the past years the towns drunk has won the contest. This year a professor from the college entered this presentation; MILES AND MILES OF DESSERT SAND, --- A SERPENTINE OF A CARAVAN, --- OF CAMELS WALKING BY , --- ...

1 評論, 20 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,1.50 分數
THE BIRD   2019-08-18

see the birdie on the sill sitting there, so quiet and still I lured it close, with a piece of bread then slammed the window on it's noisy head

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,1.30 分數
For You   2019-08-17

Here is a dick, Hard is it be, Resting in hand, Hoping you take if with glee. I know you want it, and can taste it on your lips. Remember you can always swallow, But I prefer it on your .

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
trellos4u2 37 男性
9  文章
Just a dream   2019-08-17

I close eyes the drums are beating loud after another rhythmic it's bright in here eyes fill themselves with water and decide glare down the lights you've got me on a leash I'm back and I'm forth the streets are never ending the sidewalks are all crooked I am the crack you just stepped on why do you keep stomping on me? for a moment I think I can see the intersection the end. ...

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.51 分數
SteamyDaydreams1 58 男性
5  文章
Commando   2019-08-15

Strolling along Feeling extra smooth Headset blaring A funky 70's groove Free to decide Pure genius abounds Life is a beautiful cage Second chances all around <br><br> Today I love everybody There can be no regrets Earth Wind and Fire blaring in my ear Setting free my mental debt <br><br> Filled with this spirit Soaking in the sunshine spray Tearing through my own ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,3.70 分數
SteamyDaydreams1 58 男性
5  文章
The Power of Mango   2019-08-15

Across the frozen candle Held still the breeze did not blow Your silhouette the embodiment of sweet divinity Skin glistening of stardust and fresh fallen snow <br><br> Your hair is filled with peony and lotus Emitting your ambient purity and beauty renewed Within your extended hand, a single buttercup blossoms A promise of your body's riches, soon to be grasped Telling me ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
SteamyDaydreams1 58 男性
5  文章
Dinner for Two with a View   2019-08-15

A lone candle flickers between us On this table built just for two Coltrane blows a sultry melody In a building filled with so many All matters to me is you <br><br> Such a lovely face Framed your hair of silk Cherry lips not in need of paint A dress of silk Hugs your every curve Sparkling wine not controlling restraint <br><br> As you rise for a moment To stroll ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 0 票
SteamyDaydreams1 58 男性
5  文章
Sweet Tooth Admissions   2019-08-15

We strolled along a crystal lake An extremely brisk day for early June Like old school lovers our fingers intertwined Handing you a carmine rose from a bush in bloom <br><br> It was then the clouds bunched together A tempest of a wind rearing its ugly head Leaving us running through a shower of rain Back to the cabin with soaked clothing to shed <br><br> One might ask why ...

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
MrThickmeat217 54 男性
7  文章
Boobies   2019-08-13

Roses are Red Violets are Blue I like sucking titties and so do YOU!

1 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.63 分數
ChrisIsbell2 27 男性
5  文章
Poem by a dog   2019-08-07

are gray. Violets are a darker shade of gray. Lets go chase cars.

0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,1.84 分數
ECCpl4F 58 伴侶(男人和女人)
6  文章
Fat Stacks   2019-08-07

OH! How I wish I had fat stacks of coins <br><br> I'd IM you all with propositions <br><br> dark, dubious nearly insane <br><br> each to their own and into the fray <br><br> not a moment to spare <br><br> friends came <br><br> to

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
The electric chair   2019-08-02

Not by me by the way. <br><br> "The volts, The jolts, The end".

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
s2ndegree 64 男性
5  文章
Coaxing and hoaxing!   2019-08-01

So what a mess .What a fucking mess this hex we put on sex. Where coaxing was sexy and dates set a nice pace. Where hi's were hellos and not, hey sit on my face. The notion that quality over quantity makes someone a much better commodity is absurd for a perfidious past just looking for ass has no quality or any real class.What about people that aren't on this site .You won't ask them ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.16 分數
The flight of time   2019-07-31

The clock ticks by unnoticed, the hours racking up, tomorrow looming, it's already tomorrow. Just another thirty minutes, someone will bound to show, am I the only one still awake? why is it always the same people staring back at me? are they real? <br><br> The clock ticks by unnoticed, is this really what it has come to? why is the cycle never broken? I am intelligent, aware, yet ...

1 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.02 分數
Soy_Uno_Mas 39 男性
4  文章
poema de poema de poema   2019-07-28

Poema poema poema poema poema poema po <br><br> po po ema ema ema po e ma po e <br><br> po poema poem poe <br><br> po <br><br> p

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.51 分數
strippingcowboy9 30 男性
5  文章
Poem   2019-07-24

It's in my room Too to cam I'll add and article To get all the points I can <br><br> Lol

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
Benzzzy316 31 男性
4  文章
Pain is gain   2019-07-04

are bad. I've been on the wrong road for a last few years. Fact: I dont have power of addiction. For some it takes something special. Maybe you have to let God take over? I know the consequences. But seem to not care times. It's not because "sad" that's the opposite. having too much fun. everyday we have a chance to make that day count. Have I taken action? I'll tell ...

1 評論, 28 瀏覽次數, 18 票 ,2.85 分數
points   2019-07-02

need more points all of the points.

1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.25 分數
CentralTexas72 51 男性
0  文章
Thirteen things I miss about you and I   2019-06-26

Yes, I know the theme is familiar, but this one is customized to a relationship I had with a woman I loved dearly, so please bare with me. <br><br> I miss your beautiful green eyes that lit up my world. I miss your sweet smile that told me everything would be alright. I miss your laugh that said to me: this is happiness. I miss being able to chat with you about various topics and get ...

1 評論, 15 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,2.42 分數
TjHandsome328 38 男性
2  文章
Tj   2019-06-22

you see poems in pitchers and pitchers in poems

0 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 12 票
15izacharm 23 跨性別
10  文章
Emotions Fool.   2019-06-09

He woke each morning with a desire to do right. To be a good and meaningful person. To be as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, Happy. During the course of each day his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon, He was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, Or nothing was right for him and by that a desire to be alone. By evening he ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 0 票
15izacharm 23 跨性別
10  文章
Diabolical Scheme.   2019-06-09

The lighting chains of fate will forever hold your damaged soul. Never letting go...Unable to whole. It'll tear your every inch of pride. It's diabolical, Even more evil then the darkness itself. The person you've become.. The satanic thought's will forever lurk your confused mind. Always ready to strike up and tear you inside. It's a devilish torture being unstable... ...

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Imthatgirl1122 41 女性
2  文章
crush   2019-06-06

I put a wall so strong in front of my heart but something in you made that barrier falls tried to forget you distract my mind but it came back to you again..in the end is it your smile the kiss is it your touch or the way we play in bed I know fucked but hey.. that's life all about right?

3 評論, 34 瀏覽次數, 21 票 ,2.88 分數
Pal4Perks 63 男性
3  文章
Mister Happy 😂   2019-06-02

They call me Mister Happy Rub me and I get sappy I get all kind of abuse Some angles are obtuse Often I am unemployed But I dont get annoyed Always work hard at it Sometimes in deep shit Other times its hot, and wet Any work I dont regret In every nook, and cranny 20 something to a granny My hot beef injection Wont give you an infection A stimulating connection Will shower you with affection Yes, ...

3 評論, 17 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,2.45 分數
MelisaMoore 41 跨性別
5  文章
Devilish Smile   2019-05-28

I went down to the crossroad to sell the Devil my soul I asked him to teach me how to Rock and Roll He took me with his flaming hands and I sold my soul +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I listened to his music, things I never heard before Now I can do the things I never ever could have known I came back from the crossroad and I was alone I picked my guitar now Im playing soul ...

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.28 分數
tom4u777 57 男性
16  文章
There once was ...   2019-05-14

There once was a named Patrille ... who tried dynamite sticks for a thrill ... they found her vagina .... in North Carolina ... and bits of her tits ... in Brazil.

2 評論, 17 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,0.74 分數
S4xt0n 25 男性
1  文章
The Truth   2019-05-14

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm farming for points, and I know you are, too.

2 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,2.57 分數
Scott891101 45 男性
3  文章
Put Yourself Out for Love   2019-04-28

How can I get it through to you in life, you gotta risk sometimes you won't always be guaranteed success with each man you date You gotta continue to put yourself out there for love You gotta keep love in your heart so go out dress up and really date <br><br> Each Mr. Wrong that you meet you take away a lesson with you sure there'll mistakes you make but don't let the hurt ...

0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,0.68 分數
LoveAndBacon11 54 男性
1  文章
That Tingle   2019-04-27

She lay waiting, waiting on him. He was ready, from first sight he had been. She was ready for him to take her there He was teasing, wanting her to dare. His mouth on her thighs brought moans to her lips And his hands on her breasts hightened her bliss. His tounge between her legs danced in circles and thrusts Filling her arousal and sweating her musk. When his mouth had brought her over and ...

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.66 分數
Imthatgirl1122 41 女性
2  文章
That kiss..   2019-03-31

never really had a kiss like that the kiss that when his lips touches yours you started losing control of who you are... you feel weak in the knees, your panties get wet fast.. and when the kiss getting deeper and hotter... everything seems floating... you're on a let out a soft moan you just wanting more and more of that kiss feeling each other's tongue the taste, the feeling... It just ...

2 評論, 31 瀏覽次數, 19 票 ,1.67 分數
A poem   2019-03-26

Take my hand baby And ill lead the way to an experience Well beyond childs play <br><br> Ill pull you in baby Ill lay you down Ill bring you smiles Never never frowns <br><br> Lets take our time You will feel my passion Its one thing baby I wont ration <br><br> Kisses so long Kisses so hot If this sounds desirable Then give me a shot

0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,1.86 分數
points   2019-03-25

points points points points points

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
Seachicken89 34 男性
1  文章
Ryhming for points   2019-03-25

This is not a great poem, Perhaps its not to be given a rate, Why are you still reading, When I could be helping you threading, Dont drown, There isnt anyone around, Is this even a cohereant analogy, Or just another disillusioned user

1 評論, 17 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,2.14 分數
cuteguy908 54 男性
3  文章
love poem   2019-03-22

roses r red is sweet , sweet pussy taste like

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,1.39 分數
points all the   2019-03-20

points points points points points points points

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
7inch4u692 60 男性
4  文章
How do you know   2019-03-06

I have been pounding it once twice Just get on top blow me stack Get on your back pounding is nice

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
Dom_manallday 41 男性
3  文章
Angel   2019-02-10

An angel robbed in spotless white bent down to kiss the sleeping night. Night woke to blush and the sprite was gone, man saw the blush and called it dawn.

4 評論, 37 瀏覽次數, 25 票 ,3.13 分數
SamanthaCl 53 女性
3  文章
Where Have All The Flowers Gone?   2019-02-08

For those of you that might not be familiar with it, and to try to get the poetry corner back on track <br><br> <br><br> Where have all the flowers gone? Long time passing Where have all the flowers gone? Long time ago Where have all the flowers gone? Girls have picked them every one When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? <br><br> Where have ...

7 評論, 71 瀏覽次數, 30 票 ,3.53 分數
ClassicRockStud 45 男性
5  文章
Aricle #1   2019-02-05

Coming soon. Will add later on.

0 評論, 13 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,0.86 分數
Naughty_HotWife1 34 伴侶(男人和女人)
5  文章
....   2019-01-28

im not good at this

0 評論, 24 瀏覽次數, 15 票 ,2.52 分數
whorecurious 62 伴侶(男人和女人)
164  文章
Grab Them   2019-01-25

Grab'em by the pussy Trump said Did he mean while getting head Cause I do that anyway And don't tell before I spray Then grab them by the tits She says this thing never quits I say I know ain't that cool Got to swallow thats the rule Yea ol Trump had some pussies to grab Then it's time for him to stab <br><br> Yea grab them pussies man grab them good Ladies start ...

1 評論, 34 瀏覽次數, 20 票 ,2.36 分數
Fenix541 41 男性
3  文章
My Test Poem   2019-01-07

Roses are red Violets are blue writing this story to try to add more points to get with ladies for scoring

1 評論, 22 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,2.34 分數
Sexualpablo40 42 男性
12  文章
Mi amiga soledad   2018-12-31

Escondes detrás de cada silencio un pensamiento oscuridad que provoca tranquilidad armonía que no has de llegar temprano solo abrázame soledad en esta inmensidad de una noche fría sin dejarme respirar hazme flotar en tus brazos y mantenme lejos de este urbano sentir, soledad lléname de tu paz y déjame sentir tu paciencia fluir por mis venas regálame ese instante sin dejar ausente un ...

0 評論, 15 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,1.79 分數
Sexualpablo40 42 男性
12  文章
Noche muy noche   2018-12-31

Escondido entre oscuros muros mi imaginación vuela a través del aire y se pierde entre nubes de fantasías, mi cuerpo se posee y en ese instante dejo la realidad de lado, en trance te persigo como quien fuera un animal en celo como buscando su presa, te acecho agazapado esperando me visualices pues no quiero te paralices sino buscar en ti aquello que deseo, envuélveme en tus brazos mientras ...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,3.00 分數
Sexualpablo40 42 男性
12  文章
Aroma a ti   2018-12-31

Tuyo es el perfume que mis suspiros roba, tuyo es el sabor que de tus labios he de sentir, tuyo es el tacto de tu piel en plena danza deja sin aliento a mi alma mientras mi cuerpo te desea tan flor que al parecer seria una abeja buscándote para hacer mi panel y miel de mis sueños solo me dejas verte tan solo que mi deseo se acrecienta, tuyo es el sonido que de tus suspiros hacer de los míos ...

0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,3.17 分數
Sexualpablo40 42 男性
12  文章
Imaginate   2018-12-29

De mi alma sacar este aliento cuando te despediste sabiendo que esa despedida era llevar equipaje regresando a marcharme, me pregunte en las noches cuantas veces decir con cobardia decirte que no te alejes mi amor, no me sigas me celes y que solo en ti pienso, que de tu alma solo siento que el tiempo me haga huellas de tu boca y que tus manos aun tocan mi piel, mientras pienso solo en vos, cada ...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,1.39 分數
Sexualpablo40 42 男性
12  文章
Alma gemela   2018-12-29

Esperaba tu llegada ansioso que viniera con los labios y la dulzura que sentias por mi, tal como mi pecho me explotaba en pasion, que dijeran que saben la demencia que mi corazon fruto que corre por las venas deja en mi alma su firma, diciendo a gritos por que he de callar lo que sale de mi, que la guerra de razon se interponga entre nosotros dos, es una novela; diciendo que te amo pero no ...

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,1.00 分數
Sexualpablo40 42 男性
12  文章
en el infierno   2018-12-29

Vaga en los recuerdos de lejos en nubes donde las sensaciones son templadas tus miradas son eternass, infierno donde siento que mis sentimientos se guardan en silencio mientras siembro esta gran pasion que desvela, no sabes como duele no saber que no duermes aquí conmigo, acepto en mi alma que extraño estes aquí, repentinamente apareces como un licor en mi vida y me dices te amo, quisiera ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.94 分數
!@#$%^&*()_!@#$%^&*()   2018-12-27


0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
live2dine69 44 男性
3  文章
Parted   2018-12-25

I want to lick your innocence Savor the flavor of your tenderness As I inhale your impatience Countless bumps of geese emerge As I nuzzle my nose to the nape of your neck Tongue mingling with your sweaty heat Slowly tantalizing your impure thirst Gliding down to your breast Breathy words hover just above… Lingering… Nimble fingers manipulate every crevasse Tongue twirls kissing your soft pink ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
THE YEAR SANTA CAME IN THE CHIMNEY (Uncle Joe's Christmas Special)   2018-12-23

<br><br> . <br><br> . It was in the wee hours One Christmas Day Santa landed his Reindeer, shouldered His bag and tiptoed from his sleigh Sliding down the chimney He quickly became appalled Since last years visit to this house A chimney liner had been installed! And the old one had Not been removed The double thickness Was unexpected And his descent was Abruptly held in ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,0.98 分數
live2dine69 44 男性
3  文章
Dripping   2018-12-22

Fuck…I love the way your mind, fucks with mine Whispers fornicating with thunderous squeals Lascivious letters dripping from words Hardened points of past pleasures Formidable future fantasies Lust inflamed Anticipation hauntingly teased by all in due time Alluring linguistics lingering Choking on delayed gratification Struggling staggered thoughts muzzle muted fingers Squirming thoughts ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
Plurtastic 34 男性
2  文章
Special K   2018-12-22

The picture is a little poem I wrote years ago

0 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.43 分數
Plurtastic 34 男性
2  文章
Special K   2018-12-22

The picture is a little poem I wrote years ago

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.49 分數
Lust at First Sight   2018-12-21

My eyes they see and my nose can tell My fingers feel and my tongue taste well Her figure pulls me in and her smell intoxicates I reach for her hips and my tongue salivates She is more than a body but the body holds me I want to read her like a book but the cover molds me Let me dive deep inside, let me search your very being But my senses going wild, you are like loves sting I've been bitten ...

0 評論, 24 瀏覽次數, 11 票 ,3.92 分數
UNMANLY OF ME (Part 3)   2018-12-15

2019 As Christmas came And passed I was forgiven At last And stood before my Princess once more redeemed And ready to take my Place next to her Gazing into those Loving eyes And cradling her face In my hands Kissing her deeply I inhaled her fragrance The musky scent of her The sweaty Saltiness Of her well Toned body I was in no hurry Time was standing still In the moment In the bubble where we ...

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.47 分數
UNMANLY OF ME (Part 2)   2018-12-13

And so I struggled To forgive myself Kneeling down Between her legs My boorish behavior Threw her guard up And there she stood Tentatively considering The wetness my words Had brought her in the past Her shining shaved beautiful Mons Veneris glistened inches above me It was more beautiful than any Ornament on any Christmas Tree In chaste humility I tentatively stuck out my tongue And licked the ...

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,1.51 分數
UNMANLY OF ME   2018-12-11

UNMANLY OF ME <br><br> Would you think it Unmanly of me To kneel before Your chair <br><br> Spreading your legs Open with my chin And burrowing my Head deeply <br><br> Within the darkness Between your legs Begging your essence To be revealed <br><br> My tongue probing for An opening in the diaphanous Aromatic veil between Myself and a glimpse of ...

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.80 分數
THE KISS   2018-12-11

THE KISS <br><br> It is not I feel The time will Ever come <br><br> That you will Need me To kiss your Tear away <br><br> Though I stand Ever ready I think That would be rare <br><br> I kiss you In passionate embrace To inhale your beauty Feel your face <br><br> In my hands Looking deeply In your eyes The first time <br><br> ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,1.30 分數
vIGNETTES AND A DREAM   2018-12-10

VIGNETTES AND A DREAM <br><br> I have poured over every Picture of you <br><br> I have looked at your Coiffure's from every angle <br><br> Your eyes, your smile Your face <br><br> Your breasts all are Imprinted in my mind <br><br> But it the taste of your Lips I have yet to know <br><br> And so there remains a Ravenous ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,0.65 分數

FLUFFY LUVIN <br><br> At 5'5 She is a handful <br><br> At 38dd She is a mouthful <br><br> Slightly Rubenesque of form <br><br> With A heart so warm <br><br> And A passionate soul <br><br> She makes me young Though my grow <br><br> Wonderfully candid And sexy <br><br> She put a hex On me ...

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.02 分數
live2dine69 44 男性
3  文章
Dirty words   2018-12-08

Delicious dirty words whispered Reverberating against your drums Eliciting moist moans of anticipation Begging to cum Tell me what you desire Throat captured enraptured Hands surrounding your breathe Moans exalted Soft gentle licks from ear to lips Passionate kiss Craving this? Dirty words whispered at eyes Can you read between the lines? Tightening grip, moans muted Tears of lust liberated Silky ...

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.08 分數
GNOSTIC JOURNEY   2018-12-06

Continue to walk with me In your thoughts <br><br> Give me Your hand <br><br> And I will take you To a far off land <br><br> A land of mystery In your mind <br><br> A land most women Never find <br><br> And many would be Happier if they did <br><br> It is a land of unexpected pleasure that is hid <br><br> In plain ...

1 評論, 16 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.04 分數
TRANS-scendant Improviso   2018-12-06

SHE has freed herself from The manifest destiny of HER birth <br><br> Having suffered HER physical bonds for so long SHE at last is freed of those shackles <br><br> Ready to tackle HER new life <br><br> A life defined on HER terms As SHE yearns to fulfill <br><br> HER SECRET SELF <br><br> Freed to fulfill HER vision now Instead of that ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.41 分數
GNOSTIC LOVE   2018-12-06

Let us go there You and I <br><br> Where time is suspended Under a starlit sky <br><br> Between the setting And rising sun <br><br> I will TAKE YOU Where you have never been <br><br> Or perhaps where you wish To go again <br><br> Give me your trust Your body, your soul <br><br> And I will add depth To the pleasures you have ...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.12 分數
Reading poems   2018-12-04

feel like writing a poem but the last time they took it down. Anyone else get their groups or articles erased ?

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
whorecurious 62 伴侶(男人和女人)
164  文章
strip poket   2018-11-28

Playing strip poker late one night Losing every hand so I get naked first There is a brunette on my left blonde on my right My cock is throbbing ready to burst <br><br> My wife's already naked and getting a stare She said next man out I'm sucking his cock I'm thinking I might need to fold this pair Then a bbc pulled off his last sock <br><br> Then my wife ...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.79 分數
2luvrs4ever2 44 伴侶(男人和女人)
7  文章
Lovin' The BBC's   2018-11-27

His cock is big and black you see. When we fuck it stretches me. <br><br> Inside me is his cock so large. I do what he says; he's now in charge <br><br> I'm his slave to his long, dark pole. I love him fucking my tight, white hole. <br><br> Where he goes no white man can. Too BBC's, I am a fan.

0 評論, 7 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.47 分數
Louisdude69 26 男性
2  文章
Poem   2018-10-30

Roses are red violets are blue

0 評論, 15 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.09 分數
Louisdude69 26 男性
2  文章
Poem   2018-10-30

Roses are red violets are blue

1 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,0.70 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
Diminished   2018-10-19

diminished <br><br> I made my way down to give blood.... so many people had turned out in the wake of this horrific tragedy that they were taking blood by appointment only.... Tomorrow is suppose to be our big show of support day... I have every confidence we shall... as a nation... pass with flying colors this trial.... <br><br> The President says that he is a peace ...

0 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,2.14 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
On Depression   2018-10-17

Depression <br><br> Damn! Damn! Damn! Depression so abysmal that no light can be seen only despondency and sorrow Please! Please! Please God! no more tomorrow.

1 評論, 19 瀏覽次數, 12 票 ,1.92 分數
Romantic poems   2018-10-16

Does anyone know any romantic sex poems? Is it a good idea to tell a poem during sex?

0 評論, 0 瀏覽次數, 0 票
Some People want Everything   2018-10-13

Some people want everything and some people want nothing <br><br> where are you when needed the most when there is more than just lust to host

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.28 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
White Wine and White Rose   2018-10-12

White Wine and White Rose <br><br> WHITE WINE Mysterious...Princess... white bird dove... heartache...heartbreak... wasted love... tears and laughter... ironed-will strength... witty banter... heart not faint... all these draw his taken heart... intoxicating beauty dark... loving...adoring...desiring...needing... all that’s rational quickly fleeing... spirituous oblivious time... ...

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.37 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
Daisy   2018-10-12

Daisy <br><br> Thee gentle and subtle blossom Clandestine… Thy perfumed potency The mighty Oak ner expected To be toppled by thy grace. <br><br> And thee Daisy… Anticipated naught That kindred spirits awoke … as such That twain souls would touch.

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,0.98 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
Covicted   2018-10-11

CONVICTED <br><br> Should the end of time appear… suddenly… and I found myself… standing before the righteous judge… accused of loving you with my heart and soul… beyond all others longing for your passionate kisses… your hidden treasures… your tender touch… your sweet smile… and should I be offered acquittal to forsake your sacred trust and precious gift of love… ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,1.47 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
Consummation   2018-10-09

Gray clouds rolling over my spirit… anxious moments waiting for the coming rains… torrential in droves the waters pour… until aching heart dost burst… still no relief or rest insight… only more blackness… cold as steel and pitch as midnight. <br><br> Bitter cold the farewell… as cold as a Sunday place of worship… and as heartless as a pew… and God dost laugh… ...

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
xnxmvzo100 72 男性
8  文章
A Quiet Music   2018-10-08

Our love is like "A Quiet Music"— It is beautiful, sweet, and desirable. It is tender, mystical and passionate. It makes me feel like a walk in the first snow- Where huge snowflakes fall freely all around you. And you lift your face up to the sky and one gently caresses your cheek and its touch makes you feel so ALIVE! <br><br> Then there are times this love is so intense ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,1.10 分數
Meghaaa86 33 女性
1  文章
Hindi poems for lovers   2018-10-08

Jism se jism kuch aise mil jayen.. Dhadkne bhi dono ki ek ho jayen.. Chupa loon aagosh me aise tujhe. K sari duniya ko bhul jaaun.. Bandhan na toote hum dono ka.. Is pyaar ki dor me ulajh jaun.. Wqt ruk jaye isi pal..basss Tere ishq me aise tabah ho jaun...

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.30 分數
puss4dining 50 男性
4  文章
Drunkin'   2018-09-19

Moonshine my friend will always deliver <br><br> What shall I drink my whiskey my giver <br><br> Of cross-eyed cats and singing bats <br><br> Devouring the sky in jars of glass <br><br> I drink my moonshine on a wooden seat <br><br> Tending the still with logs for heat <br><br> Oh moonshine oh moonshine yer my favorite friend ...

1 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
puss4dining 50 男性
4  文章
Yer Hairy Lovely Pussy   2018-09-19

Yer pussy brings me joy <br><br> Yer kisses bring me back <br><br> I eat your pussy cause' its my favorite snack <br><br> Yer pussy yer pussy it's so damn tasty <br><br> You sit on my face you rotate like crazy <br><br> .... <br><br> I enjoy your hairy pussy as I pull it apart and there within lies this awesome jewl ...

1 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,3.04 分數
puss4dining 50 男性
4  文章
I   2018-09-19

Yer pussy brings me joy <br><br> Yer kisses bring me back <br><br> I eat your pussy cause' its my favorite snack <br><br> Yer pussy yer pussy it's so damn tasty <br><br> You sit on my face n' rotate like crazy <br><br> I enjoy your hairy pussy as I pull it apart and there within lies this awesome jewel <br><br> ...

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
puss4dining 50 男性
4  文章
Jimmy oh   2018-09-19

My Jimmy brings you joy <br><br> It's throbbing like your toy <br><br> Mine bursts n' yours' breaks <br><br> From all the pokin' the places <br><br> Oh Jimmy my Jimmy <br><br> Don't go broke

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
Rudawg36 36 男性
7  文章
Good pussy   2018-09-17

The Definition of Good Pussy I’ve always been told that I have good pussy But male or female can’t explain what it’s supposed to mean to me What the fuck is good pussy though? Asked so many exes and no one seems to know I don’t really believe it has a legitimate meaning Just something blurted out after good sex, however misleading <br><br> Is it good because it’s super wet ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.94 分數
Rudawg36 36 男性
7  文章
Good pussy   2018-09-17

The Definition of Good Pussy I’ve always been told that I have good pussy But male or female can’t explain what it’s supposed to mean to me What the fuck is good pussy though? Asked so many exes and no one seems to know I don’t really believe it has a legitimate meaning Just something blurted out after good sex, however misleading <br><br> Is it good because it’s super wet ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.86 分數
Lovemizer70 53 男性
7  文章
roses   2018-09-01

are roses redder when you have cash

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.51 分數
Hum pry Dumpty   2018-08-29

Hunpty Dumpty sat on a rock, Little Bo Peep was sucking his cock, As soon as he cum she started to weep, She knew by the taste he’d been fucking her sheep

1 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,3.58 分數
Is it Bad?   2018-08-21

First off, I gotta address, gotta caress, goose bumps on her skin, and her nipples erect, she's licking and biting her lips, as i'm getting a grip, my hands on her hips, pulling her close as i'm biting her neck, her hand in my pants, inviting my dick, my hands on her ass as i'm lifting her up, she thinking i care cuz i'm giving a fuck, moves are psychotic, i'm kind of a ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
FeatherKisser 34 男性
1  文章
Freezing hot!   2018-08-19

Freezing night n just a candle light in this bedroom for this night and the candle isn't burning bright. <br><br> Dont worry about the candle burning dim tonight once we get started , we will go chill to wet getting drenched in sweat and that's how hot its going to get! <br><br> Least is said there is more in store don't keep me waiting for long at the door its ...

0 評論, 8 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.32 分數
IDang4321 35 男性
12  文章
saying no   2018-08-16

<br><br> no

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,2.42 分數
IDang4321 35 男性
12  文章
saying no   2018-08-16

<br><br> no

1 評論, 11 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
gingertop6969BB 52 男性
5  文章
Dont cheat on me   2018-08-10

One thing I ask of you... <br><br> Love me for who I and be true. <br><br> Love me as a fish loves the sea, how the bird loves to sing. <br><br> Love me as a bee loves its honey, as an angel love his wings. <br><br> Love me and hold me tight as you tell me everything is all right. <br><br> Love me and guard me with all your might ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,2.28 分數
gingertop6969BB 52 男性
5  文章
Dont cheat on me   2018-08-10

One thing I ask of you... <br><br> Love me for who I and be true. <br><br> Love me as a fish loves the sea, how the bird loves to sing. <br><br> Love me as a bee loves its honey, as an angel love his wings. <br><br> Love me and hold me tight as you tell me everything is all right. <br><br> Love me and guard me with all your might ...

0 評論, 4 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,4.02 分數
gingertop6969BB 52 男性
5  文章
Sealed with a kiss   2018-08-08

All is need is one more kiss, One more moment that I'll miss, One more feel of magic bliss, That might bring me to my knees. <br><br> One more gaze of your eyes, I don't need to hear good byes, One more touch of your lips, And forever at peace. <br><br> Maybe someday we'll meet And I'll hear your heart's beat, And I'll get to taste your lips, ...

1 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,0.92 分數
gingertop6969BB 52 男性
5  文章
men are the best lovers   2018-08-08

]Peaceful Love There is peace in my soul For such a long awaited time There is love in my life A love of melody and rhyme. Once you took hold of my heart I knew no other could have reached As whispered fate took my hand To levels only you could reach. You in my life Will live eternally I knew the first night we met You were meant for me.

1 評論, 6 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.92 分數
noshymen 59 女性
2  文章
The Light in the Dark   2018-08-06

I lay naked, under the sheet in the light. <br><br> He come in boxers on shuts out the light. <br><br> In my mind, I wonder Why the dark? <br><br> He sits on the bed takes off his boxers gets under the sheet. <br><br> This isn't the first time and yet he hesitates <br><br> He feels and finds all the right places <br><br> ...

0 評論, 10 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.16 分數
The Show Must Go On   2018-07-31

Here I am on AdultFriendFinder again. I am reading your hot stories of steamy get together's or romantic getaway's. Either way it's not my life. It once was, but now I am just a character that gets called to the stage to play my part in the play of life and I have to leave myself in the dressing room. What roll must I fill. What smile must I wear when I want to cry. I am lost in fantasy and ...

0 評論, 23 瀏覽次數, 14 票 ,2.66 分數
Fun44nz 45 男性
2  文章
Indeliable   2018-07-27

At first, Two scents were shared Then fused Mingled Interlocked <br><br> Accompanied by The rythmic motion Two hearts beats With breath stolen in gasps then shared From whispers to moans A symphony of wild Utterance <br><br> To the heavens It became like lightening Cracking an oak tree Assunder <br><br> Then it became A moment of shared Delight Like an eternal ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 0 票
arealbadboy333 55 男性
5  文章
Jane   2018-07-23

There once was a hot girl named Jane And I knew she was no doubt insane But she offered her ass So how could I pass So I fucked her again and again and again.

0 評論, 9 瀏覽次數, 9 票 ,3.00 分數
Fun44nz 45 男性
2  文章
Essence   2018-07-19

Into the heart Of this etheral dream I caught the murmur, Then more clearly an echo, A gentle moan, Two hearts tapping out a beat, As the cadence got louder The moans inarticulated Became a sculptured Form of a two backed beast Rising to instrumental music Hands clawing sheets A bedlamp crashes Limbs entnagled in storm lust Winds A howling gale Becomes an operatic note Highest heavens And then ...

0 評論, 5 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,3.25 分數
SailorChaz 48 男性
2  文章
Blink   2018-07-08

Scribbled in chat in a fugue of sleepiness last night as I wished my lover, nine hours time different, good morning. <br><br> <br><br> Blink Dry eyes are moistened. Blink Reopen with reluctance. Blink Lids rise slowly. Blink A heavy load for tired muscles. Blink Weight increasing. Blink Droopy, dragging eyelids. Blink Less and less they open. Blink Soon to ...

0 評論, 12 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.79 分數
Testing   2018-07-06

Testing this right now. Test Test

0 評論, 2 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
whorecurious 62 伴侶(男人和女人)
164  文章
In a Pussy   2018-07-04

I wish I had my cock in a pussy right now It's hard as a rock you want to see How'd you get it that big tell me how I wish you had ask me before I went to Pee!!

0 評論, 14 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,0.80 分數
The Pussy   2018-06-22

The pussy is a funny thing it can make a man a fool it can take away his bank account whittle away his tool But even knowing all these things a man cant put it to bed You see man is always thinking but it's usually with his little head

10 評論, 46 瀏覽次數, 22 票 ,3.97 分數
erererer3030 39 男性
4  文章
ok   2018-06-07

roses are red lets fuck................\8happym;

2 評論, 15 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,2.19 分數
iloveoral97 24 男性
1  文章
Spots   2018-05-27

That familiar scent <br><br> She so longed for it once more <br><br> He pleased her so

1 評論, 17 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,1.63 分數
thundercock4444 33 男性
2  文章
get schwifty   2018-05-21

Oh, yeah! You gotta get hwifty. You gotta get hwifty in here. It's time to get hwifty. Oh-oh. You gotta get hwifty. Oh, yeah! Take off your pants and your panties. Shit on the floor. Time to get hwifty in here Gotta shit on the floor I'm Mr. Bulldops. I'm Mr. Bulldops. Take a shit on the floor. Take off your panties and your pants. It's time to get hwifty in here New song ...

1 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.04 分數
misterj8888 43 男性
3  文章
Do poems really work??   2018-05-12

Do poems really work?? surely not!

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,2.40 分數
divineanimal 49 男性
2  文章
Fire   2018-04-15

We both know the secret no match was struck in the moment before the monk caught fire, instead, a strange heat rose up within him <br><br> fueled by an anguished desire to no longer be human. <br><br> to burn away anger and desire and finally <br><br> become pure flame, with its harsh compassion that obliterates form, dissolves attachment, ends suffering, ...

0 評論, 3 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,1.73 分數
divineanimal 49 男性
2  文章
Beltane   2018-04-14

Bursting forth from the bramble, lips stained with Blackberry, <br><br> eyes ablaze with wild green fire <br><br> I find you by the water's edge illuminated by moonlight and flame, <br><br> laid out on a deer skin, swan feathers all around you, Apple blossoms in your hair. <br><br> With ferocious tenderness, I follow the flows of light and ...

0 評論, 1 瀏覽次數, 1 票
apervypoet 62 男性
2  文章
Should I quit my day job?   2018-04-12

Do you realize in just how many states we have gotten naked and became mates? Way too may cities to try to write on a list. and even a foreign country with a waterfall mist. <br><br> I don't have a favorite but for quantity what would top is the state you live now where we fucked outside and weren't stopped by a cop. Yes Connecticut leads the way for our orgasm toll, which ...

3 評論, 35 瀏覽次數, 28 票 ,3.55 分數